Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Zionised Media Circus

We were told that
Sheikh Haron is a bad person and the Zionised media outlets called Muslim community to come forward and condemn him. I knew nothing about him or his alleged crime. Yet, I smelled a rat and I made Sheikh Haron blog. I did so because my memory was fresh about Dr. Mohamad Haneef, Mamdouh Habib, David Hicks, … and I maintain an healthy skepticism.

I then said, “When a non-Muslim commits any crime no one expects the respective community and community leaders to come out and condemn their fellow member. Therefore no one should expect Muslim community and Muslim leaders to condemn any individual’s alleged crime. Let’s stop any trial by media as well as stop inciting against Muslims based on Israel centric tradition.”

I also said, “… people who are pushing our nation in wars outside Australia and not in defense of Australia are worse than this silly
Sheikh Haron.” Including “ … Australian leaders who are sending their own children in other people’s wars and letting them die for nothing are worse than Sheikh Haron.”

Since then we were spoon fed a lot about
Sheikh Haron and no one spoke in his defense! This afternoon I saw horrible looking bearded creature in the news. To make it worse, he was wearing a Muslim robe! The picture and story reminded me about Sydney religious trader reverend (?) Fred Nile, Bush, Blair and Howard! I rushed outside Downing Centre to confront the “Iranian born Muslim fanatic/hate merchant/terrorist”!

I saw him out side Downing Centre and I asked, “do you believe in peace”?

Sheikh Haron: Yes.
Me: Do you believe in violence”?
Sheikh Haron: No.
Me: Assalamualikum (peace be with you).
Sheikh Haron: Walaikumassalam (peace be with you too).
Me: Why are you writhing silly letters?
Sheikh Haron: have you seen my letters? Why did they remove my web? Why are they treating people with contempt and keeping them in the dark?
Me: What do you think about Australian people?
Sheikh Haron: Most of them are nice and they are willing to listen.
Me: Have you been insulted or attacked today?
Sheikh Haron: Yes, one silly person, police are good and fare.
Me: What do you think about Australian media?
Sheikh Haron: They are worse?
Ladies and gentleman, you are the judge and jury. I am only reporting my findings.

Faruque Ahmed
Free Australia Now
Mobile: 041 091 4118

Premier Nathan Rees

Primer Nathan Rees could you kindly answer the followings:

Do you believe in presumption of innocence, fairness, and notion of justice?
If so, how could you judge someone before a proper trial?
Did you do so to please the Zionised media outlets and blessed their anti-Muslim circus based on totally false and fabricated reason and grounds?
Have you seen the
Sheikh Haron letters?
How can we see one of those alleged
Sheikh Haron letters?
Is it true that
Sheikh Haron website was removed?
Is it true that
Shiekh Haron website was removed in order to mislead the public?
Is it true that
Sheikh Haron website was removed and carefully nurtured media circus was conspired to incite against the Muslims?

Else, how could you say the following as
reported in the AAP, October 22, 2009 12:11pm and I quote, (POSTING anti-war mail to families of Australian soldiers killed in Afghanistan is an "evil act of cowardice," NSW Premier Nathan Rees says.).

Respectfully waiting for your reply!

Faruque Ahmed
Free Australia Now
Mobile: 041 091 4118

Sheikh Haron

CAPTAIN LALOR, THEY'RE OURS, THE ENEMY, GALLIPOLI, GALLIPOLI and Bull Shit Nationalism failed to wake up Australia. Israelis control America. Iraq Was Invaded to Secure Israel and Iraq pullout would hurt Israel reconfirm the power of Israel and vulnerability of USA confirmed by The USA Under Israeli Feet because of American Enemies.

Similarly, Australians were forced to fight other peoples’ war before and after Gallipoli. Naturally the illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan based on totally false and fabricated reason and ground are a sad indictment for Australia. Political leaders, media moguls and elite power brokers made these decisions without proper debate or discussions inside or outside parliament. Virtually they black mailed our nation towards immoral, illegal and un-winnable wars. In short, people who are pushing our nation in wars outside Australia and not in defense of Australia are worse than this silly
Sheikh Haron.

When a non-Muslim commits any crime no one expects the respective community and community leaders to come out and condemn their fellow member. Therefore no one should expect Muslim community and Muslim leaders to condemn any individual’s alleged crime. Let’s stop any trial by media as well as stop inciting against Muslims based on Israel centric tradition.

Dr. Mohamad Haneef, Mamdouh Habib, David Hicks, … all are private individuals. If they commit the crime let them serve the time. However, no one should be guilty before even being charged! Unfortunately all of these people were tried by the media as are far too many people in this world. The media have been also crucifying all Muslims and Arabs because of these people’s alleged crimes! The presumption of innocence, fairness, notion of justice or any other cherished values disappeared over the horizon! Sadly, the litany of crimes of these peoples are not anywhere near that of Bush, Blair and Howard. Let’s just keep this all in perspective.

It appears many Israelis and their supporters around the world have been conducting their own Arab Israel wars from their bunkers around the world. These accusers do not need any evidence or so it appears! They are willing to create evidence, ignore evidence or any debate. They even have the power and ability, or so they believe, to make anyone guilty without the need for any evidence, whatsoever!
Bat Yeor, Melanie Phillips, Prof. Raphael Israeli, Daniel Pipes and many more Zionists/"Jews/Israelis are borrowing entire chapters and verses from Adolph Hitler's Mein Kampf, using Hitler’s tactics against Arabs and Muslims, all without impunity. Sadly, many gullible people follow them!

Ironically, Australia has been throwing itself into other peoples wars. This has occurred before and after WW1 and even to this day. None of those actions are in defense of Australia or beneficial for Australia. Indeed, even many of those wars are illegal and immoral. Most noticeably, the Australian government’s blind support of Israeli war crimes, ethnic cleansing and genocide against people of Palestine are shocking and beyond redemption.

I oppose and condemn violence. Be that initiated by an individual, group or a state! Violence is the preferred option for morally and politically bankrupt and wicked party such as Israel, USA and the Deputy Sheriff of the Pacific, Australian government!

Therefore based on this alleged and
latest terrorist plot, no one should be inciting against Muslims and Arabs right now. Remember, we know nothing about these individuals and their crimes, their mental state, etc …. . Irritatingly, the modern day Joseph Goebbels, Australia’s own Rupert Murdoch managed to print the story even before the operation! The powers that be and the press knew in advance about all of this. The same predictable groups of people are now publicly jumping about and are now calling to have all Muslims heads on a platter for allegedly conspiring to kill Jesus at Jerusalem and his brother James at Rome. Is it Dr. Mohamad Haneef all over again?

non- Muslims and non-Arabs raped their own daughters and fathered children with their own daughters!

Pictured: Inside the cellar where father locked daughter for 24 years and repeatedly raped her, Victorian father 'raped daughter for 30 years' (Australia) and American who fathered his own daughter are only a few more examples.

The infamous
Lebanese Rape Case attracted 60 300 entries! The so called Sydney Gang Rapes was more than a trail by media and contrary to Case Law and Statute Law. The outcome of this episode is racist if not intended. That’s why all racist people have been using this case against me or anyone of my predicament. Nonetheless, this anti-Arab and anti-Muslim sentiment carefully conceived and nurtured by a very powerful and creative gangs. However, their dirty game failed to protect many “white women” being raped by their own brothers and fathers! Surely, no one can blame the “Lebanese” and “Muslims” for these crimes!

Once again, the “Howard Mantra” to hate the migrants is not a solution.

Therefore, Australian leaders who are sending their own children in other people’s wars and letting them die for nothing are worse than
Sheikh Haron.

Faruque Ahmed
Moderator, Free Australia Now
Mobile: 041 091 4118
Friday, October 23, 2009

Letters to soldiers families 'abhorrent'
AAP, October 22, 2009 12:11pm

POSTING anti-war mail to families of Australian soldiers killed in Afghanistan is an "evil act of cowardice," NSW Premier Nathan Rees says.

Self-styled Muslim cleric
Sheikh Haron has been charged with seven counts of "using a postal service or similar service to menace, harass, or cause offence" for allegedly sending the letters.

A line from one letter to a family allegedly states: "I feel bad that you have lost your son but I don't feel bad that a murderer of innocent civilians has lost his life".

Mr Rees said the act, if proven in court, was loathsome.

"The reports I find abhorrent," he said. "If true, bear in mind the matter is before a court, an evil act of cowardice is probably the mildest term I could use for it."

Sheikh Haron has been granted bail to appear in court on November 10.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Do You Know Who Is a True Jew?

If you got an open mind then I have got news for you!
According to Jewish, Christian and Muslim documents true Jews do not exist!
Do you know what are they? Are they following some cults other than Judaism?

When Moses went to free the Jews from the Pharaohs captivity, he was scared of Egyptian magic (similar to US high tech?). God said to Moses, “don’t be afraid, throw your stick and witness your God’s power”. ……… .

Moses convinced the Pharaoh and freed his people!
Moses parted the Arabian Sea and freed the Jews from slavery.
Then Moses went to speak to God and thank him for saving his people.
God said to Moses, “do you know what are your people doing”?
Moses said, “they are praying for you”.
God said, “go and find out”.
Moses went to his people and found, only his brother Aaron and a couple of people were following him and the rest of them were drinking, gambling, fornicating, praying to golden sheaf, ….
Now, please tell me who is a real Jew?
I say so despite the fact that I am willing to respect all religion and tolerant to all cultural sensitivities.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Kisan the Fatherless One

Kisan the Fatherless One,

What is your problem? Is it your inability to burn women alive as you used enjoy it openly up until 1896 prior to make such barbaric practice illegal? Or your inability to behead Catholics?! Or your burning desire to kill non-Jewish women when raped by a good Jewish man?!!

Please try to find out your father if you can and answer me please.

--- In freeamericanow@yahoogroups.com, "Kisan" wrote:
Re: 15yr old girl talks about being wired up as bomber to kill for Islamic Jihad

Same old Islamic tactics to justify the un-justifiable:

What about some other stuff that doesn't compare.

See your jihadi heros even drugged the young girl.

Memri only translated it bevakoof.

--- In freeamericanow@yahoogroups.com, "faris osman abdat"

Ah, Memri TV.........of course we can trust that.

By the way, how old again are the children used by the Hindus in Sri Lanka as soldiers.

I think they are even 12 years old, isn't it Kisan ?

Abu Hurairah and Ka'b Bin Malik (Allah be pleased with them) reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "The parable of a believer is that of a fresh and moist plant; the wind tilts it this way and that way; and so is the believer; he continues to be subject to affliction. And the parable of a hypocrite is that of a firm cedar tree; it does not shake, until it is uprooted all at once."
(Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

----- Original Message -----
From: Kisan
To: wide minds
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2008 1:17 AM
Subject: [freeamericanow] 15yr old girl talks about being wired up as bomber to kill for Islamic Jihad


Married against her will at 14 to Jihadis, drugged, wired up and sent to kill innocents for Allah.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Lucky Country

Lucky Country

Australia is a lucky country. God gave us plenty. Natural and mineral resources are bountiful. Australia is an island continent with a population of a town only! We are rich. No one does anything wrong here. No one even farts! That's why we do not have a "Fart Tax" like New Zealand.

You see, family violence, bag snatching, drunken and disorderly behaviors come from Aboriginals. Asian migrants and other boat peoples imported many crimes like bank robbery, mass murder, prostitutions, etc. Crimes like drug running and gang rapes of our women introduced by the Lebanese gangs and specifically Muslim Lebanese gangs!

Ned Kelly, Alan Bond, Christopher Skase, Laurie Connell, Neville W, Abe Saffron, and his deputy James Anderson, Lennie McPherson (even Elle??) Roger Rogerson, Jo Bjelke Petersen, Mad Dog Cox, etc. etc. were not Aboriginals!

The colorful Kings X identity Billy Bayer, convicted drug dealer Michael Kenan, executed drug dealer Denny Keram were not Lebanese Muslims!!

The Stratified Plaza massacre villain John Wade Frankham, Port Arthur massacre villain Martin Bryant, Ivan Millat and many more personalities are also not Asians.

Even convicted "Israelites" like Renai Revkin, Jodie Rich, Rodney Adler, Ray Williams, Steve Vizard, …. And waiting to be convicted Reg Kermode, Graham Richardson … are neither Muslims nor Asians!!!

Anita Cobby, Jenin Boldings, etc. etc villains are also not Lebanese Muslims! Do I have to add more? I can add more. But, for now, I am leaving it for you.

By the way, does this Andrew Fraser got any qualification on Anatomy, Physiology, Neurology, Genealogy or any other subject that makes him qualified to talk about subjects he is talking to and thereby incite racism?

However, I am qualified enough to say the following;
1.Attack and abuse on taxi drivers and other vulnerable goes up when likes of
Andrew Fraser pops up,
2. Attack and abuse on workers goes up when likes of Rivken and Kermodes of the world introduce their new blood sucking ventures.

You see, last night one mid twenty's female fare evading passenger of mine told me;
1."I am white and born in Australia, you are not and therefore I am better than you,
2. I can speak better English than you, …. ."She also threatened to call the police. Unfortunately, when I drove her almost near the Police Station she disappeared in the traffic.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Georgia and Zionist/Jewish/Israeli Conspiracy

Georgia and Zionist/Jewish/Israeli Conspiracy

Here are the Cold Hard Facts:

1) Ossetia is a ninety percent Russian area. Georgia has made repeated efforts to ethnically cleanse the region. Russian peacekeeping troops have been in Ossetia for years and were approved in international agreements so as to protect the citizens of the region from attacks by the Georgian military.

2) Georgia, not Russia, started this war. Georgia invaded Ossetia trying to take control of the region and ethnically cleanse the Russian population.

3) The Georgian Army, commanded by their Minister of Defense (who is also an Israeli citizen), launched a surprise invasion and attack that caused the deaths of at least a thousand people in its first 24 hours. This attack was committed while the attention of the world was on the Olympics.

4) In the wake of Georgia’s military invasion and massacres, Russia responded by battling to protect the Ossetian people and fighting the Georgia military so it could not continue its invasion and assault. Thousands of Ossetian civilians became refugees from the Georgian assault.

5) Instead of reporting these cold, hard facts to the world, the Jewish-influenced media has been dishonestly reporting that the Zionist-allied Georgian state is a victim of “Russian aggression” and a “Russian invasion.” Georgia invaded, bombed, and massacred the people of Ossetia to start this conflict. On the cable news networks for hours after the Georgian launched invasion and massacres in Ossetia, all Americans were permitted to see was the Georgia President and Jewish U.S. State Department officials screaming about how Georgia was “invaded” by Russia!

6) Instead of condemning Georgia from the outset for the invasion and massacre, Neocon controlled politicians such as George Bush are condemning Russia and attempting to move America and Europe toward a completely unjustified conflict with Russia.

Now I offer you six reasons why the heavily Jewish-influenced media and political establishment of America side with Georgia:

1) As Israeli newspapers freely report, Israel has long allied itself with Georgia, trained its troops, and supplied weapons to Georgia. Key figures in the Georgia government are Israeli citizens and partisans for Israel, including the “Georgian” who directly launched the war, Defense Minister Davit Kezerashvili. The major “Georgia” Spokesman is Temur Yakobashvili, also an Israeli citizen, is Georgia’s minister of reintegration.

2) Israel has strategic oil pipeline and economic interests in Georgia that it wants to keep under control.

3) Israel and Jewish powerbrokers around the world are angry with Russia because Russia keeps the Jewish Neocon-controlled United States from total domination of United Nations policy toward Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and toward a war against Iran.

4) The Russian government has had the courage to prosecute some of the Jewish criminal Oligarchs in Russia such as Berezovsky, Gusinsky, Khodorkovsky and others, a great many of whom have fled with their stolen billions to Israel and other nations.

5) Russia is a democratic state, and not controlled by special interests such as the United States is by AIPAC and Jewish campaign money. While Jewish-influenced newspapers and politicians complain about “democracy in Russia,” America maintains a completely controlled two party system that is structured to stifle Third Party dissent and representation. Russia is no longer a communist state but an anti-communist state in the true sense. While Russia has moved toward more freedom and healthy national sentiment, America has moved toward more state control of every aspect of life. Ironically, today American policy is dominated by Neocons, a Jewish extremist led group that was founded by followers of Leon Trotsky (Lev Bronstein) the notorious Jewish Bolshevik head of the Red Army in the early years of the Communist revolution in Russia, a man who murdered millions of Christians.

6) Zionists are trying to make the great, overwhelming White nation of Russia an enemy of America and Europe because nationalist Russia stymies their plans for the Mideast and for the New World Order. The conflict between Russia and Georgia is not in the true interest of either country, but one in which their main enemy, Russia is weakened both financially and in the court of world opinion, and Israel gets to sell Georgia more weapons. Once you understand the powerful role of the Jewish supremacists in media and government you can begin understand the nature of the world’s major conflicts.

What it all boils down to is simply the fact that powerful Jewish influence in politics and media in the United States see it in Israel’s interest and the interest of the Jewish people to side with Georgia and try to harm Russia. Sadly, as reflected by our Israeli policy, by our catastrophic War for Israel in Iraq, by our Jewish-influenced tottering to the brink of a cataclysmic war with Iran, and by this insane escalation of conflict with anti-communist Russia, we are acting not in the interest of the American people, not in the interest of freedom, justice or fairness, but simply showing our complete subservience to the Jewish extremists.


--- In freeamericanow@yahoogroups.com, "union_faruque" wrote:Re: Bush seeks to contain violent conflict in Georgia

I would like to prosecute Georgian President and his advisors for war crimes and genocide. Because it was them who have initiated military actions and violence to solve a complex political problem rather than genuinely seeking for a pragmatic solution! Should we proceed in such a direction, they may tell us the perpetrators who incited this violence and misguided them in the first place. Penultimately, we would be in a position to prosecute Bush and co for their crimes in the Russian region and elsewhere.

--- In freeamericanow@yahoogroups.com, John Robinson wrote:freeamericanow] Bush seeks to contain violent conflict in Georgia


This is height of hypocrisy and shows the true colors of US. I think what US means is "Do not do what I am doing but do what I am saying".
President Bush sought to contain the explosive conflict in Georgia on Sunday as the White House warned that "Russian aggression must not go unanswered."
Mr. Bush what will you do, other than holding your own dick. You do not have enough resources to open a third front. As it is, you are begging whole world to provide troops.
Cheney told Saakashvili that "Russian aggression must not go unanswered, and that its continuation would have serious consequences for its relations with the United States, as well as the broader international community," McBride said.

Lying again. International community does not have the face to face Russia. What was it doing in the face of naked aggression by USA and its allies in Afghanistan & Iraq.

In Washington, the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee said the United States must work closely with Europe in condemning Russia's actions.
"We cannot just go out alone on this and talk and act unilaterally. We don't have much impact, I believe, in terms of our unilateral declarations anymore with the administration' s approach to the world," said Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich. "We've got to stand together with European allies."

Sorry Senator. You got a bigger problem. It is called credibility. Regarding Allies. russia also has come allies, who will be willing to have a final solution to this problem of Europeans attacking Asian nations and then crying when one of their own gets the same medicine.

"We hope that there is no further bloodshed. There has been too much bloodshed already," Jeffrey said.

Asked about the possibility of sending the U.S. military or other aid to Georgia, Jeffrey said, "Right now our focus is on working with both sides, with the Europeans and with a whole variety of international institutions and organizations to get the fighting to stop."

Levin, too, did not see the chance of U.S. military involvement, though he said the U.S. needs to make clear to Russia that its action "is way out of line."

"It has to be condemned and the world needs to stand against it," Levin said. Oh yeah. Same way as world condemned your attack on Iraq and Afghanistan and vietnam and so on. I hope Russia will also respond in the same way as you did to international criticism.Sanjay PandeyBangaloreKarnatakaIndia

--- In freeamericanow@yahoogroups.com, "union_faruque" wrote:
The world knows about Georgia's illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq. Georgia did it because the biggest terrorist gangs of the world told the Georgian stupid and greedy leadership, "if you are with us you are one of us and we will protect you should you get invaded or attacked … ". When the whole world attention was focused on the Beijing Olympics the Bush gang gave the green light to use force and violence to address a complex political problem. The Georgian gangs went on to conduct ethnic cleansing like the mighty Israel! Russia acted with force similar to the misguided Bush "clones" while terrorist Bush chickened out for very good reasons. Yet, the most violent and brutal terrorist leader Bush got the audacity to say, "violence is not the solution"!!

--- In freeamericanow@yahoogroups.com, "Jodie" wrote:
Re: Bush seeks to contain violent conflict in Georgia

Sanjay I am sickened, witnessing the "height of hypocrisy" and true colors demonstrated by the U.S. I will have to say that, although I do not approve of war and death and destruction, I was glad to see Cowboy Putin, with his guns a-blazing; riding his horse back into the arena ... right up to the edge of that Oil Pipeline. "Don't even try it..."

Of course, uninformed U.S. citizens are being fed the usual baby food this morning by the U.S. media, with anti-Russian statements by Bush, Obama, and others... Bush: "Such an inhuman action (by Russia) is unacceptable in the 21st Century. Americans are standing by you !! " ( While Bush was thinking... "We want control of that oil pipeline !! No oil for Russia." )


--- In freeamericanow@yahoogroups.com, "union_faruque" wrote:
Re: Bush seeks to contain violent conflict in Georgia

I did not know Bush follows Mahatma Gandhi!

--- In freeamericanow@yahoogroups.com, sanjay pandey wrote:
Re: [freeamericanow] Bush seeks to contain violent conflict in Georgia
This is height of hypocrisy and shows the true colors of US. I think what US means is "Do not do what I am doing but do what I am saying".
President Bush sought to contain the explosive conflict in Georgia on Sunday as the White House warned that "Russian aggression must not go unanswered."
Mr. Bush what will you do, other than holding your own dick. You do not have enough resources to open a third front. As it is, you are begging whole world to provide troops.
Cheney told Saakashvili that "Russian aggression must not go unanswered, and that its continuation would have serious consequences for its relations with the United States, as well as the broader international community," McBride said.

Lying again. International community does not have the face to face Russia. What was it doing in the face of naked aggression by USA and its allies in Afghanistan & Iraq.

In Washington, the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee said the United States must work closely with Europe in condemning Russia's actions.

"We cannot just go out alone on this and talk and act unilaterally. We don't have much impact, I believe, in terms of our unilateral declarations anymore with the administration' s approach to the world," said Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich. "We've got to stand together with European allies."

Sorry Senator. You got a bigger problem. It is called credibility. Regarding Allies. russia also has come allies, who will be willing to have a final solution to this problem of Europeans attacking Asian nations and then crying when one of their own gets the same medicine.
"We hope that there is no further bloodshed. There has been too much bloodshed already," Jeffrey said.

Asked about the possibility of sending the U.S. military or other aid to Georgia, Jeffrey said, "Right now our focus is on working with both sides, with the Europeans and with a whole variety of international institutions and organizations to get the fighting to stop."

Levin, too, did not see the chance of U.S. military involvement, though he said the U.S. needs to make clear to Russia that its action "is way out of line."
"It has to be condemned and the world needs to stand against it," Levin said.
Oh yeah. Same way as world condemned your attack on Iraq and Afghanistan and vietnam and so on. I hope Russia will also respond in the same way as you did to international criticism.
Sanjay Pandey

--- On Mon, 11/8/08, Jodie wrote:
From: Jodie Subject: [freeamericanow] Bush seeks to contain violent conflict in GeorgiaTo: freeamericanow@yahoogroups.comDate: Monday, 11 August, 2008, 7:34 AM
To Bush and Cheney : SHUT UP !!!!!!!!!!

Bush seeks to contain violent conflict in Georgia
By BEN FELLER, Associated Press Writer 47 minutes ago

BEIJING - President Bush sought to contain the explosive conflict in Georgia on Sunday as the White House warned that "Russian aggression must not go unanswered."

The crisis over a breakaway province, South Ossetia, appeared to ebb as Georgian troops began retreating and honoring a cease-fire, a claim Russia disputed. U.S. officials said Moscow was only broadening its retaliation against Georgia for trying to take control of the region..

The sheer scope of Russia's military response has the Bush administration deeply worried. Russia on Sunday expanded its bombing blitz in areas of Georgia not central to the fighting.
Vice President Dick Cheney spoke Sunday afternoon with Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili, Cheney press secretary Lee Ann McBride said. "The vice president expressed the United States' solidarity with the Georgian people and their democratically elected government in the face of this threat to Georgia's sovereignty and territorial integrity," McBride said.

Cheney told Saakashvili that "Russian aggression must not go unanswered, and that its continuation would have serious consequences for its relations with the United States, as well as the broader international community," McBride said.

A Russian official said more than 2,000 people had been killed in South Ossetia since Friday; the figure could not be confirmed independently.

The president was to end his weeklong stay to Asia by attending a baseball game and other events Monday at the Beijing Olympics. The trip was meant mostly for fun and games â€" there have been plenty of both. But the fast-moving conflict in Georgia has grabbed his attention.

Bush, pressing international mediation, reached out Sunday to French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who heads the European Union. The two agreed on the need for a cease-fire and a respect for Georgia's integrity, White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe said.

In Washington, the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee said the United States must work closely with Europe in condemning Russia's actions.

"We cannot just go out alone on this and talk and act unilaterally. We don't have much impact, I believe, in terms of our unilateral declarations anymore with the administration' s approach to the world," said Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich. "We've got to stand together with European allies."

Georgia, whose troops have been trained by American soldiers, began an offensive to regain control over South Ossetia overnight Friday, launching heavy rocket and artillery fire and air strikes that pounded the provincial capital, Tskhinvali. In response, Russia launched overwhelming artillery shelling and air attacks on Georgian troops.

"We're alarmed by this entire situation, and every escalatory step is a further problem," deputy national security adviser Jim Jeffrey told reporters.

The U.S. military began flying 2,000 Georgian troops home from Iraq after Georgia recalled the soldiers following the outbreak of fighting with Russia. The decision was a timely payback for the former Soviet republic that has been a staunch U.S. supporter and agreed to send troops to Iraq as part of the U.S.-led coalition. Georgia was the third-largest contributor of coalition forces after the U.S. and Britain, and most of its troops were stationed near the Iranian border in southeastern Iraq.

The risk of the conflict setting off a wider war increased when Russian-supported separatists in another breakaway region of Georgia, Abkhazia, launched air and artillery strikes on Georgian troops to drive them out of a small part of the province they control.

Also, Ukraine warned Russia it could bar Russian navy ships from returning to their base in the Crimea because of their deployment to Georgia's coast.

"If those Russian ships leave that port in the Black Sea and if Ukraine decides that it is not going to allow those ships back into that port ... that is a potentially much greater conflagration involving a wider regional area," Levin said.

The White House sought to reassure that the administration â€" including Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen â€" were talking to parties on both sides and trying for a diplomatic solution.

"We hope that there is no further bloodshed. There has been too much bloodshed already," Jeffrey said.

Asked about the possibility of sending the U.S. military or other aid to Georgia, Jeffrey said, "Right now our focus is on working with both sides, with the Europeans and with a whole variety of international institutions and organizations to get the fighting to stop."

Levin, too, did not see the chance of U.S. military involvement, though he said the U.S. needs to make clear to Russia that its action "is way out of line."

"It has to be condemned and the world needs to stand against it," Levin said.

Free America Now

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hussein to Sharon what is the difference?

Hussein to Sharon what is the difference?

I am sick and tired of reading questions enriched with prejudice and bigotry like this one. Probably most people know the origin of the people who have been inciting against Muslims and Arabs in the USA, Europe and elsewhere!

May I then ask to match those people temporarily, how come USA got 60 Jewish Senators and Congressperson while their population is below 2%?

For more: Racist Questions by the Chosen People

Where are the free media in America?

If the opinions expressed in this thread are correct then how the hell Bush made this speech below?

Speaking of the "promise of God" for a "homeland for the chosen people" in Israel, Mr Bush told the Israeli parliament after a visit to the Roman-era Jewish fortress at Masada: "Masada shall never fall again, and America will always stand with you."

Source: http://enslavedusaukandaustralia.blogspot.com/2008/05/prejudice-and-bigotry-of-yahoo.html

Do you believe in chosen race, superior race, inferior race etc?

Speaking of the "promise of God" for a "homeland for the chosen people" in Israel, Mr Bush told the Israeli parliament after a visit to the Roman-era Jewish fortress at Masada: "Masada shall never fall again, and America will always stand with you."

Source: http://enslavedusaukandaustralia.blogspot.com/2008/05/prejudice-and-bigotry-of-yahoo.html

Why do you swallow prejudice and bigotry yahoo?

For details: Prejudice and Bigotry of Yahoo

It becomes a must to condemn Yahoo or anyone, who refuses to allow the publication of the truth under the guise of “Yahoo TOS”. This is a blatant submission to Zionism contrary to free speech and freedom of expression.

I would like to know under what law, moral or authority this question below is offensive, unacceptable, harsh, unjust or hurting anyone other than well known enemy of mankind?!

If Americans Knew? http://www.ifamericansknew.org/

Yahoo removed Disgusting Yahoo and Master Race Israelis or Inferior Yahoo?! earlier! However Yahoo does not remove Speaking of the "promise of God" for a "homeland for the chosen people" in Israel, Mr Bush told the Israeli parliament after a visit to the Roman-era Jewish fortress at Masada: "Masada shall never fall again, and America will always stand with you."

Further to Israeli Slave or President of USA?, Yahoo I am not a racist like you. I refuse to support or encourage prejudice and bigotry. To me, ALL HUMAN BEING ARE EQUAL BEYOND SEX, RACE, RELIGION OR GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Zionist Dance With Maghdi Alam (the Coptic?)

Zionist Dance With Maghdi Alam (the Coptic?)

The verdict is very clear and decisive!

The Jews are the most vicious and treacherous people.
Judaism is the most racist and fascist religion.

Therefore considering the above including the past and present records, I believe, "The Jews must volunteer themselves to the nearest gas chamber as it is long overdue".
Most importantly I would like to know, why the hell Jews support Salman Rushdie, Ershad Manji, Ayaan Hirshi Ali, and Norma Khouri? Now they have invented this Maghdi!

Everybody knows,
Zionism is worse than Nazism and The Sacred Cow exposes Nazi Zionist hypocrisy. They are running out of space to hide their own lies and bigotry! Peoples are waking up to Nazi Zionist lies. They won’t be able to hide them under the false shield of “anti-Semitism”.

By the way, no on cares about ugly Jews and their vicious Judaism!! Yet, the ungrateful Jews are deliberately creating false stories and propagandas against Muslims and Arabs on a daily basis. It is interesting to observe the fact that the ungrateful Jews are dancing up and down for Maghdi!

Hypothetically speaking, if he is a Muslim and converts to Christianity then how the hell Jews gain any benefit? Why is it such a big joy for the Jews? He has not converted to Judaism and mathematically speaking 99.99% (beside suspect Jews and commercial Jews) of this world reject Judaism in the first place! Therefore, how the hell Jews can compete with Muslim theology in reality and on the basis of popularity alone beside track records of glaring Muslim morality?

Muslim, Italian and Zionist and Is Tariq Ramadan Lying [about Magdi Allam]? justify Gas Chamber Is Inevitable! Should anyone wishes to contribute any message and have a taste of ‘Zionist free speech’ then please visit Is Tariq Ramadan Lying [about Magdi Allam]?